Dec 9, 2014.. From Pat LaBine, producer for Dragon Age: Inquisition.. Fixed case where interaction text would not update in tactical camera.. Mass Effect 2.
From Mark Darrah, Executive Producer of Dragon Age: Inquisition. I'm writing to let you know that Dragon Age: Inquisition has a new release date of November ..
Dec 8, 2014.. BioWare outlines Dragon Age: Inquisition Patch 2 and clears up party banter.. Following is an outline of what the update will address and the ..
Bioware details the second patch for 'Dragon Age: Inquisition,' set to come out today, as well as a few things that'll come in later updates.
Dec 14, 2014.. Dragon Age: Inquisition Update 2 + Crack V2 + Dual Core fix + Corrupted file PC - Direct Game downloads | ONE FTP LINK | TORRENT | FULL ..
A few games that launched in November suffered from numerous bugs and glitches, to the point where certain aspects were rendered unplayable. Among those games, however, was Dragon Age: Inquisition, which received relatively little attention about it’s own issues. This could be due to the fact that DA:I’s problems didn’t impact the core game, and most of the talk revolved around audio issues, stuttering, or whatever it’s called when one character says a line, then simply stares at you for a couple of minutes; as if they said something amazing, and now they’re waiting for your comeback. But, small problems or not (widespread or not), they still need to be addressed, and BioWare is gearing up to release the second patch for the massive, award-winning game, following the one it received on launch day. As detailed on the BioWare Blog, Dragon Age: Inquisition producer Scylla Costa explains that the team behind the game has continued to listen to player feedback and aims to release patch 2 today, December 9th, as the first of several updates that will “support your DA:I experience.” Patches are the studio’s first priority, while new features and post-launch content are secondary. An obvious route to take, certainly, but there have been situations in the past where a game receives new content, regardless of pre-existing bugs or gameplay imbalances. “As massive as Dragon Age: Inquisition already is, there were some things the team wanted to get in at launch, but we just ran out of time. We’ll be creating these new features and content and adding them into your game over time because we love our DA:I players. Multiplayer will also be receiving regular content updates.” Fixed crash that could occur after some conversations Certain boss creatures are now immune to Disruption Field Creatures in rag doll will now pause when the game is paused Fix to Spirit Blade so it longer triggers combos Fixed a couple focus abilities to be weapon agnostic Fixed a few DA Keep world state import reactivity checks. Fixed a few situations that could result in there being no conversation selection indicator during conversations Additionally, BioWare hopes to increase the amount of party banter players hear during their time wandering through the game. As it stands now, banter isn’t triggering as often and the developer would like, while players have also reported problems with banter not happening at all. There’s great stuff to be heard from the game’s party members, so it’s unfortunate that some players are missing out. That said, this, and several other things will be dealt with in later, yet to be detailed updates. Have you ran into any issues with Dragon Age: Inquisition that ruined the game for you? Or could you perhaps be one of the rare few that’s never had an issue? Either way, you should probably install the patch sooner, rather than later, and avoid trouble altogether. Dragon Age: Inquisition is out now for PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One. Source: BioWare Blog (1), (2)
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Dragon Age Inquisition Update 1 and 2 Incl DLC and CRACK ONLY
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‘Dragon Age: Inquisition’ Patch 2 Begins Rolling Out Today